Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baking and bog

Today it rained after I spent hours watering yesterday.
So I baked today day after spending half the morning waiting waiting and more waiting in a government department. Only to get an answer I didn't want to hear.
Then Grahame successfully bogged the car yet again.
Transact sent us bill demanding payments for service up until April. Hello Transact we cancelled that in December and haven't lived where that service was for 8 months now. How hopeless are these so called service companies. No matter how many times you tell them they still get it wrong then act like its our fault! What kind of morons do they employ.
So now the cars are parked at the road again and we have to make the journey up to them through the mud. Better than getting bogged and going nowhere though.
We gained yet another guinea pig (thats 3 now), looks like Elliott's breeding program will be going ahead.
Baz went missing the other day and I thought we'd lost him. After several hours I found him tangled up in the black netting on the far side of the orchard. Him being black, we didn't see him there. It was only after I heard him wimpering that I found him. Poor puppy.
Oneday Grahame let both Bowie and Baz off and they were missing for 6 hours. Thought we'd lost both of them that day. They turned up like 2 naughty boys soaking wet and exhausted. They must have been on some adventure.

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