Thursday, August 5, 2010


The great thing about a country newspaper is you will quite often finds your kids featuring in articles. The weekly paper that costs one buck 60 has nothing better to report than schools and sporting clubs happenings. Not that we mind. So far Tim has featured at least twice that we know of. Elliott has been in at least 4 times and I believe this is Harrys first time.
Pambula has a local paper that comes out once a week and Merimbula, less than 10 minutes away has a weekly too and then theres Bega, just 20 minutes away also has a weekly. Surely they could become one paper and make it more interesting. But then I guess the kids would be fighting for their space in the paper.
Could be worse, all Geelong has is the Geelong ( Cats ) Advertiser which mentions nothing but The Geelong Cats all year long. No chance of the kids appearing there unless they play for the Cats. Or unless they make an infamous mention in the local crime scene or todays court apperances. Ahh Geelong such a fine town. Yes I can say that because I'm a expatriate of Geelong, Ima a former Geelongeong, or is that Geelongite oh whatever, I was lucky to escape it long ago.(only joking)
Now don't be offended those who still reside there it is still a great place to visit (for those that don't).

So why are the kids featuring in the local.
They were part of the South Coast Learning community concert in which they sang in the school choir. And I must say out of the 20 acts performed the choir performed beautifully. The concert featured kids from all the local schools, high school and primary. It was over two nights and more than 500 hundred people attended. I was impressed. It was a well run production. The only thing I found amusing was that Grahame and I dressed up as we normally would(like for a Canberra Grammar event) and the local people were dressed in their finest flannos and moccasons.
I'm going shopping for a steppin' out pair of moccos' now. I must say they were smart as it was bloody freezing that night.

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