Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday clean up

After being here for almost two years now I think all but a few boxes are unpacked. I have had a massive clean up over the past few weeks. Timothy has worn a path to the tip with the copious amounts of rubbish for the tip. We have also filled the Merimbula Salvos bins on a few Sunday nights. With stuff, stuff and more stuff. I couldn't believe how much stuff we had for no good reason. Stuff that sat in boxes for many years through many removals. It was time to say good bye.
Now as much as I hate Grahame being away it's the perfect opportunity to throw away the stuff without him shaking his head and rolling his eyes. I usually remind him how much of it has been donated to us, much of it Gilly junk(family joke). But it just had to go.Yes some of it was sentimental but that doesn't mean you need the stuff to remind you of good times.
So now we have an organised and fairly clutter free shed space.


Now it may still look like there is alot of stuff but you should have seen it before.
Harison has been doing some christmas decorating and Elliott has put up the first christmas tree.

Our over grown orchard with trees baring hardly any fruit.

The over grown garden, I only weeded it 2 weeks ago and now after all this rain, well I shouldn't have bothered wasting my time. They are all back bigger and better than before. I need Roundup, shares in Monsanto.
Who I'm totally opposed to by the way.

For Grahame, sorry about terrible photo, it was just too blingy.

Only he will understand the significance of this photo. Suprised!!!
While we are here I might as well show you Elliott's baked white chocolate and cherry cheese cake.

Allyson and I accompanied Timothy to his Year12 formal dinner night. It was lovely and it was a chanced to get dressed up.

And the two who had to stay home, well they went for a sleepover.

And finally have started to put some art work around the house. It was all gathering dust in the shed so I thought I should at least move it out of there.

Now we are yet to finish this build. It's very frustrating living in a half finished house. We had a good builder but now he's chasing the big bucks and he's kind of left me in the lurch. It's really dissapointing because he knew how much I wanted it finished before Grahame came home, he knew I was here on my own trying to manage this, the kids, the property(Violin please).
Anyway it is what it is and he can stick it.
And if he doesn't come and get his band saw and saw horses he can re buy it from Merimbula Salvos!!

So apparently my dear husband is going to be on the telly tomorrow night. A whole show featuring his work for one whole hour minus the 35 minutes of ads. Channel 10 at 7.30pm. don't know what it's called though.Although he says he runs away from the camera when it comes close. He'll be the one shying away in the background covering his face with a coffee mug or such. He's too important to be seen!! Ah here we go it's called Tour of Duty: Australias Secret War. I'm sure it will be rivetting.

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